BondUnlimited – The Complete James Bond Glossary
Living Daylights, The: Film – Goofups
  1. Continuity: As he leaps out of the flying car, James Bond deploys his spare parachute, but in a later shot is shown hanging from his main one.
  2. Continuity: The left front tire of Bond’s car is shot out, but in the jump that follows the tire is normal.
  3. Factual error: James Bond’s laser slices under the body of a Czech police car so that the wheels and underframe come off when the brakes are applied. He only cuts in the area between the wheels, but the body would not be attached only in that area.
  4. Factual error: If the wheels go one way and the brake pedal (with the body) another, then the brakes could not be applied because the brake lines must have been severed.
  5. Audio/visual unsynchronised: When the engines of the cargo plane die, a coughing, sputtering sound is heard. The aircraft in question is a C-130 Hercules, equipped with turboprop (a jet engine whose power turbine drives a gearbox that drives the propeller)engines. When a jet engine dies, it just winds down (as the only moving parts are the compressor and turbine and the entire reaction stops when the fuel is cut off). Only engines with pistons make a sputtering sound as they run out of fuel (this comes from certain pistons not receiving fuel while others still are).
  6. Continuity: When James Bond says there’s no place to land, the forward view of mountains confirms this. But after a brief intercut to the cockpit interior, the landscape is different. The cliff now ahead of the plane is topped by the level ground James and Kara need to get out of it.
  7. Geographical error: Upon leaving the plane they see a sign saying that it’s 325 km to Islamabad and 200 km to Karachi. In fact Islamabad and Karachi are almost 2000 km apart.
  8. Miscellaneous: As Bond pulls up to the side of the road near the hotel when he is following Pushkin’s car in Tangiers, you can clearly see him knock over a pedestrian.
  9. Continuity: At the end of the film when James Bond is confronting Whitaker at his mansion in Tangiers we are led to believe that it is night time. However when we see James Bond standing behind a bush outside the mansion it is daytime and the sky’s blueness can be seen.
  10. Factual error: When Bond is in the cockpit of the Hercules, the throttles are shown as about 1/4 open. This would mean the plane wouldn’t be traveling particularly fast. When he sees the other aircraft heading toward him, Bond puts full power on, and manages to lift off about 15 seconds later. A Hercules needs to be traveling at over 100mph to take off.
  11. Continuity: The interior layout of the cargo plane Bond steals in Afghanistan differs from the external view. It is clearly shown that it’s a straight line from the rear hatch opening to where the jeep is parked to the cockpit (views visible through open doors). Yet exterior views clearly show the cockpit is on a second level from the rest of the plane.
  12. Continuity: When Kara has taken over the controls of the airplane, she pulls the aft freight door lever. Cut to interior of plane where Bond if fighting, and we see the freight door open. Cut to exterior view of plane, now the doors are closed. Cut to interior again, the ramp is now fully open.
  13. Geographical error: While escaping from Bratislava, Bond and Kara drive through dramatically mountainous terrain to the Austrian border. There is no such terrain encountered while traveling West from Slovakia to Vienna.
  14. Revealing mistake: When Bond hits the sentry in the final attack, the guard turns his head to imitate being hit before he actually is.
  15. Continuity: When Russian assassin kills the second British guard in order to steal the Land Rover, the guard is shoved aside and falls alongside the idling vehicle. But when Bond arrives on the pathway above and looks down to see killer driving off, the murdered British guard is now laying a few feet further in front of the Land Rover.
  16. Continuity: Bond loses one boot in the fight in the plane, but when he later walks around in the plane, you can hear the sound of boots against metal from both feet.
  17. Factual error: The producers made a special effort to make Vienna look like Bratislava. They did so by parking a lot of Trabants on the street and putting up Cyrillic-lettered street signs. However, Trabants were East German cars and, while there would have certainly been some in 1987 Bratislava, most of the cars would have been the Czechoslovak “Skoda” brand. Secondly, both Czech and Slovak use Latin letters, so street signs in Bratislava never would have had Cyrillic lettering.
  18. Factual error: After the first movement of Mozart’s Symphony No. 40, the concert goes to the interval. While it has been known for a concert to include, for example, a single aria from a whole opera, it is never the case that a concert includes only, as in this case, the most famous movement, an extract, from a whole symphony. (Or, if there are any concerts like this, they would not be attended by the social elite, as depicted here.)
  19. Continuity: When the “00” agent is dropped down Gibraltar in the opening sequence by the bad guy cutting the rope above him, we never see the rope falling after this initial cut. Yet Bond grabs the end of the rope and notices it has been cut. It should be falling with the body, or at least at the same time (if it has slipped out of the harness loop).
  20. Boom mike visible: After exiting the plane, Georgi Koskov tells Kara Milovy he will try to have her assigned to the Siberian Philharmonic Orchestra. There is a huge gray microphone visible in front of her. It’s pulled back when he finishes talking and everybody starts walking towards the camera.
  21. Continuity: Near the end of the film, when Bond is taxiing down the runway trying to take off, he’s in an American C-130. His girlfriend Kara catches up to him in a Jeep and he signals her to drive inside the airplane. As she approaches the rear of the plane, the C-130, which has a cargo ramp (tailgate) about twelve inches in height, turns into a C-123. Its ramp tapers to a wedge so rolling vehicles can drive on without the ramp-toes that a C-130 requires.
  22. Continuity: Just after Bond crashes his Aston Martin in the snow, and he gets out, the wing mirror on the door is bent downwards. But a few seconds later, the same mirror is in the right position again.
  23. Audio/visual unsynchronised: When James Bond cuts off his shoe during the final airplane fight the guy is screaming with his mouth closed.
  24. Continuity: When Bond drives into the shed and onto the lake, a militia car follows him. This car is Lada VAZ 2103. Later, when the car is shown from the back, it is Lada VAZ 2106, an updated version of the VAZ 2103. But when the car starts to sink, it’s VAZ 2103 again.
  25. Continuity: During the C-130 flight form the Russian airbase, most of the shots show the landing gear down, but a few show the landing gear retracted. This is especially visible as the plane passes and circled the bridge.
  26. Continuity: During the fight scene between Bond and the assassin when they are hanging behind the airplane, the nets varies in position from hanging far out and hanging just a bit out.
  27. Continuity: A plane that is speeding down the runway, just after barely missing a collision with the plane Bond has commandeered, crashes into Koskov’s jeep with such force that the jeep literally explodes into a huge ball of flame, inside and out. However, when the smoke clears, the jeep is still intact with no flames at all on the inside and Koskov is only singed.
  28. Revealing mistake: At the “Soviet” airbase in Afghanistan, there are several American aircraft instead of Russian made ones, including an OV-10 and of course the Hercules C-130 that serves double duty as the RAF C-130 at the beginning of the film.
  29. Geographical error: The landscape during the episode with the Afghan Mudjahidins is incorrect. Palm trees wouldn’t have a chance of surviving the terrible Afghan winters.
  30. Continuity: When Bond parachutes off the Rock Of Gibraltar at the beginning we see him slowly descending towards a moving yacht in the sea below. However, the moment he lands, the yacht is clearly moored in the harbour next to other boats, and going nowhere.
  31. Continuity: When Bond bails out of the burning truck on Gibraltar, the truck continues falling and then explodes and nothing is visible in the water below. A moment later Bond looks down and there is now a yacht below him (but no truck debris). Then we cut to the lady on the yacht telling Margot how boring things are – apparently oblivious to the truck exploding just above her yacht and falling into the sea no further away than about 100 yards.
  32. Revealing mistake: The cockpit of the Russian’s cargo at the end of the film have English-labeled instruments.
  33. Factual error: In the end of the film, Bond looks at the sign posting showing the distances of Islamabad and Karachi. The words written in the other language on that board should be either in Urdu (Pakistan’s national language) or Pushto (Afghan).
  34. Factual error: Whitaker claims that the fist outing of the automatic machine gun was 1895 in Afghanistan, however the British Army had already used the maxim in the Matabele War, 1893-4 in Africa, and the weapon had been in the Army since 1888.
  35. Continuity: Kara yells out “James!” while they are trying to evade the army shortly after leaving Bratislava. At this point James Bond has not yet told Kara his name.
  36. Continuity: The length of Kara’s bobbed hair changes continually by 2-3 inches, often in mid scene.
See also See also:
  • This entry has been read 9,282 times.
  • Entry created: December 25, 2006; 16:13; Last modified: August 13, 2009; 21:25
  • Suggested citation: "Living Daylights, The: Film – Goofups", BondUnlimited,; Downloaded from at Sunday, October 6, 2024, 1:12 pm IST
  • Source / copyright: © Wikipedia. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation Licence. It uses collated material from various entries taking off from the Wikipedia article James Bond.
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