BondUnlimited – The Complete James Bond Glossary
GoldenEye: Film – Goofups
  1. Revealing mistake: Bond leans against a stone wall in the weapons factory, and it flexes.
  2. Continuity: Bond’s hair length changes as he goes through the cabin door on the boat.
  3. Continuity: Bond acquires gloves after falling out of the plane.
  4. Revealing mistake: After Bond shoots the cannon in the tank at the train we see him hop out of the tank. A second later you see him hop off the tracks and we see the train go by. As the train passes the camera follows it and you can see Bond is a long way away from the tank – probably 1,000 meters. He would have had no time to make it that far in three seconds.
  5. Geographical error: The climax of the film is set in Cuba. However, the final battle clearly takes place in Aricebo, which is in Puerto Rico (identifiable by the radio telescope antenna Bond and Trevelyan duel on.)
  6. Audio/visual unsynchronised: When Bond is escaping the chemical facility at the beginning of the film, he manages to get into a small airplane. The Russian pilot pulls his sidearm out to stop Bond but Bond manages to shoot one of the motorcyclists with it. The sound is that of a silenced gun, but there was no silencer on the pilot’s gun.
  7. Factual error: When Jack Wade gets out of his plane to rendezvous with Bond, he looks to his left and says, “Banyan trees.” The full surrounding area was visible when he was coming in for a landing, and there were no banyan trees.
  8. Continuity: At least one of the soldiers that Bond kills on the runway reappear when Bond and Natalya try to escape the archive
  9. Factual error: When Bond bikes off the end of the runway, he is able to catch up with, and board, the falling plane. It is impossible for someone in free-fall to catch up with an object that is descending under both the force of gravity and that of its own engines. The plane will always be traveling faster than Bond is (until it hits the ground, of course).
  10. Continuity: The dam seen in the start of the film is in a summery snow-free area. When Bond enters the station, he is at the bottom of a valley. When he emerges from the station, he is at the top of a snowy cold mountain, with no such valley in sight.
  11. Revealing mistake: As the satellite dish is draining the water towards the finale of the film, the motion of the water indicates that the film was reversed to give the draining effect.
  12. Revealing mistake: During the tank/car chase in St. Petersburg, Bond plows the tank through a Perrier truck. After breaking through the truck, Perrier cans fly all over the place, but nothing comes out of any of them. Furthermore, from the sound they make as they hit the ground, they are obviously all empty. No Perrier truck would carry empty cans.
  13. Revealing mistake: In the beginning dam scene when Bond is supposedly cutting through a hatch with a “laser”, the green laser light that depicts the placement of the laser is not in the same position where the cut is being created.
  14. Continuity: While escaping in the plane at the pre-titles sequence, we see takes of Russian base exploding without any of the soldiers or vehicles that were chasing Bond before his jump.
  15. Revealing mistake: When Jack Wade hits his car’s rear-mounted engine with the sledgehammer, we hear it start, but the crankshaft-mounted fan doesn’t turn.
  16. Audio/visual unsynchronised: The little helicopter the villains use to escape from the armored train is a Robinson, which has a piston engine. The sound heard is a turbine.
  17. Boom mike visible: In Q’s room.
  18. Error made by character/s (possibly deliberate errors by filmmaker): When Bond is running down the ramp to the room in the satellite and Alec is shooting at him, the stunt double flips and in the first shot his leg clips the edge of the railing, but in the second shot the stunt man rolls cleanly through the catwalk with both legs between the rail.
  19. Factual error: When Natalya is seen at St Petersburg train station, the train she gets off is clearly made up of old British Rail mark 1 rolling stock painted dark green to look Soviet. Thus hinting that the scene was shot at a large British terminus.
  20. Continuity: When Trevelyan is shooting at Bond on his way up to the satellite dish Trevelyan is holding his gun against his face from the front view and in front of his chest from the back view.
  21. Continuity: The front right light of Ourumov’s car gets broken at the beginning of the tank chase, but is fixed later in the chase.
  22. Continuity: Onatopp’s bath robe at the pool.
  23. Continuity: Onatopp’s lipstick on Bond’s upper left cheek when she is attacking him in Cuba.
  24. Continuity: Grass on a path that is supposedly usually submerged.
  25. Continuity: Previously submerged areas dry quickly.
  26. Continuity: When Bond and Simonova slide down the inside of the dish, the gradient is a lot less than in all other shots.
  27. Continuity: Bond stops sliding by putting his feet on a lip on the hole in the middle that was not there previously.
  28. Continuity: The two parachutes on the helicopter escape pod are white in long distance shots but red, white and blue in close-up on the ground.
  29. Continuity: When Goldeneye satellite is revealed in space, Earth is turning one direction in one cut, and the opposite direction in the next cut.
  30. Continuity: When the man on the ship is introducing the waiting public and media to the Tiger helicopter, a large rowing boat goes behind him twice.
  31. Factual error: The satellites are said to be orbiting 100 km above the earth, but that is far too low. The minimum altitude necessary to place something in a stable orbit is 640 km. Any object lower than that soon falls back to earth due to atmospheric drag.
  32. Factual error: Admiral Farrel’s ID card is in English only. Any ID card issued by the Canadian government would be in English and French.
  33. Crew or equipment visible: During the pre-title bungee-jump, camera crew and equipment (including a van) are briefly visible atop the dam, in a distant sideview shot of the jump.
  34. Geographical error: The terrain around Arkangelsk where the pre-title sequence took place is flat. Certainly not enough altitude to a allow a small plane at the foot of a dam to fly vertically down for almost a minute.
  35. Continuity: When Bond is looking through his camera at the boat, he is looking with his left eye, but when we see him again, the camera is on his right eye.
  36. Revealing mistake: Wires pulling the cockpit upwards are visible, when Bond ejects it from the helicopter just moments before it explodes.
  37. Revealing mistake: You can clearly see a roller under Bond as he slides down the satellite dish with Natalya.
  38. Crew or equipment visible: When Bond jumps from the dam in Arkangelsk, a shot follows him down during the fall, then another shot begins from the top of the dam and follows him down again. In that shot a white European model box truck and a yellow machine (a sort of crane) is visible – you can see these in the “making of the Golden Eye” as used for the stunt. Clearly they are not meant to be there by script, as it is a place deep in Russia that doesn’t have western European vehicles, and moreover the facility seems to be locked before his jump (Bond has to unlock the gate to enter). The shot of the dam right before the jump (no more then couple of seconds) shows the entire dam empty.
  39. Continuity: When the train is rushing toward the tank, the number of cars attached changes between shots.
  40. Continuity: In the final confrontation on Trevelyan’s satellite dish, Trevelyan unloads a full clip of his Browning BDM before reloading and continuing in his pursuit of Bond. This Browning holds 13 rounds and in the ensuing fight, only three rounds are discharged before the gun is out of ammunition. It’s hardly likely that a professional ex-00 agent would keep half-full magazines at the ready.
  41. Error made by character/s (possibly deliberate errors by filmmaker): When Ourumov is unloading James’s Walther PPK, he doesn’t eject the shell inside the chamber which would have been cycled in after he had shot it. He then hands James a loaded weapon which could have easily killed him.
  42. Continuity: When Bond is on the yacht and discovers the body of Admiral Farrell in the closet, Farrell’s mouth is closed when we first see him slipping out of the closet door. In the next shot, his body is landing on the floor, and this time, his lips are drawn back and his teeth are bared in a death grimace.
  43. Audio/visual unsynchronised: In the marching band sequence in the square in St Petersburg, the bell lyre players in the band are not playing, but their sound is clearly audible on the soundtrack.
  44. Miscellaneous: When Bond is chasing Ourumov in the tank, he crashes into and partly runs over one of the pursuing police cars. In the shot following the effects of the crash, the ‘driver’ of the police car is sitting perfectly still and is clearly a dummy.
  45. Continuity: During the opening title scene, when one of the soldiers is hit by a motorbike, he is thrown before the impact actually occurs.
  46. Continuity: Just before Goldeneye blows up Severnaya, a different alarm than the one already sounding goes off. The screen shows Goldeneye nowhere near Severnaya, but in the next shot of the screen, Goldeneye is shown right on top of Severnaya, about to detonate.
  47. Continuity: When M first has Bond in her office, she offers him a bourbon, asking if he’d like ice, to which he answers yes. But we never hear her actually putting ice in the glass, nor do we see any ice in Bond’s glass when he is shown drinking from it.
See also See also:
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  • Entry created: December 25, 2006; 16:18; Last modified: August 13, 2009; 21:25
  • Suggested citation: "GoldenEye: Film – Goofups", BondUnlimited,; Downloaded from at Sunday, October 6, 2024, 1:08 pm IST
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