BondUnlimited – The Complete James Bond Glossary
Tech credits

This site has been created entirely using WordPress 2.8.4, the most robust and flexible opensource content management system available.

The site also makes use of the following plugins:

  1. Akismet: WordPress
  2. Breadcrumb NavXT: John Havlik
  3. Category Visibility-RH Rev: iPeat
  4. Comment Notifier: Satollo
  5. Contact Form ][: Chip Cuccio
  6. Customizable Post Listings: Scott Reilly
  7. Dashboard Lite: Michael Dale
  8. Disable Revisions: Slaver
  9. Disable WPAUTOP: Nick Momrik
  10. Google XML Sitemaps: Arne Brachhold
  11. matriphe! KeyCode: Muhammad Zamroni
  12. Results count: Matthew Taylor
  13. Search and Replace: Mark Cunningham and Frank Bueltge
  14. Search Everything: Dan Cameron
  15. Sociable: Joost de Valk
  16. Terong Related Links: Erwin Kodiat
  17. the_excerpt Reloaded: Kaf Oseo
  18. Top Level Categories: Filipe Fortes
  19. Upload+: Pixline
  20. WP-EMail: GaMerZ
  21. WP-PageNavi: GaMerZ
  22. WP-PostViews: GaMerZ
  23. WP-Print: GaMerZ
  24. WP Page Numbers: Jens Törnell
  25. WP Super Cache: Donncha O Caoimh
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