BondUnlimited – The Complete James Bond Glossary
Diamonds Are Forever: Film – Goofups
  1. Continuity: In the opening scene, Bond gets mud spilt on him as he falls to the floor. When he stands up his jacket is perfectly clean.
  2. Continuity: Bond passes the Golden Nugget several times during the chase but has not turned any corners on the street so he can’t just be going round in circles.
  3. Continuity: The moon buggy loses a wheel, but is back on again later.
  4. Crew or equipment visible: When Peter Franks arrives at Dover he gets a message. He parks his car outside an office and as he walks in the camera crew is reflected in the window.
  5. Revealing mistake: When Bond is hanging from the elevator shaft, his shadow is visible on the rear projection screen containing the street scene below.
  6. Continuity: The helicopter that blows up in the desert is originally green. As it turns away, it turns red.
  7. Audio/visual unsynchronised: When Bond is released from the burning coffin, Shady Tree’s diatribe against him about the phony diamonds doesn’t match the movement of his mouth.
  8. Audio/visual unsynchronised: The man Bond attacks in the very first scene manages to scream “Cai-Cai-Cairo!” without moving his mouth.
  9. Incorrectly regarded as a goofup: …sort of. During the Las Vegas car chase scene, Bond’s car ends up riding on two wheels in order to pass through a narrow alley. When the car emerges at the other end of the alley it is balancing on the opposite pair of wheels. The producers spotted this error before release, however, and inserted a quick shot to indicate that, for some reason, Bond flips the car onto its other wheels. There must have been an opening somewhere in the alley.
  10. Audio/visual unsynchronised: At Dover, Bond arrives (and departs) in a Triumph Stag (V8 engine). When he drives away, we hear the sound of a Triumph Spitfire (1200cc 4 cylinder).
  11. Revealing mistake: During the opening scene, a string can be seen attached to the final knife that 007 throws at the guard.
  12. Continuity: 30 seconds after the moon buggy loses its wheel, the leaping dirt trike crashes and as the rider kicks it off himself it can clearly be seen to be missing the left rear wheel. Moments later he remounts the trike, which now has all its wheels.
  13. Continuity: When Bond is fighting Franks outside of Tiffany Case’s apartment Franks swings a crowbar at Bond and it falls out of his hand when he misses. When Bond starts squirting Franks with the fire extinguisher the crowbar is back in Franks’ hand.
  14. Factual error: Blofeld points out for Bond a moving dot of light on a globe: his laser satellite’s position over the U.S. But the dot moves over the map at a scale speed of 20 or 30 miles per second or faster – far quicker than the practical orbital speed of about 5 mi. per second. In a later scene, as the satellite nears Washington D.C., the dot moves at a normal rate.
  15. Error made by character/s (possibly deliberate errors by filmmaker): At the circus the announcer says that the transforming woman was captured near Nairobi, South Africa: but Nairobi is in Kenya.
  16. Revealing mistake: When Bond is hanging from the rope at the top of the building, his arm movements are not synchronized with his upward movements. It’s also noticeable that the rope he is hanging from is being pulled up through a hole in the set, rather than him pulling himself up a stationary rope.
  17. Continuity: When Bond is fighting the real Peter Franks in the elevator, Franks drops the glass shard before his wrist gets hit for the second time (the one that supposedly makes him drop the shard).
  18. Audio/visual unsynchronised: When Plenty O’Toole comes to Bond’s room, she compliments on how “super” the place is, but her mouth does not move. Later, when a half naked Plenty is yelling as she’s being forced over to the window, her screaming does not match the movement of her lips.
  19. Continuity: When Bond is holding Bambi and Thumper under water his hair is messed up. When Felix comes in, it is slicked back again.
  20. Audio/visual unsynchronised: As the two workers are opening the manhole cover to repair the pipe welding robot, you can hear them talking but their mouths are not moving.
  21. Revealing mistake: As the Ford sedans are racing through the desert in pursuit of the moon vehicle, the exact same “engine-revving” sound effect is used over and over throughout the scene.
  22. Continuity: During the countdown on the oil rig, the first time is 10 minutes the next is 5 minutes, then 8 minutes, then 5 again.
  23. Revealing mistake: After the Chinese nuclear missiles are blown up using the space laser, they can still be seen.
  24. Audio/visual unsynchronised: When Bond emerges from the manhole cover in the desert, there are two men working at the site, one digging and the other watching. The dialog over the scene is not matched by the supervising worker’s lips, who appears not to speak at all.
  25. Factual error: You cannot make a laser out of diamonds. Even if you could, you could not make a laser out of multiple gem-quality stones; ruby lasers, for instance, are made from a single flawless rod of artificially-grown ruby.
  26. Geographical error: When Mr Wint and Mr Kidd exit the tunnel, with Mr Bond in the trunk of the car, the cover that lifts up has a Saguaro Cactus on it. That type of cactus only grow in extreme southeastern California, southern Arizona and adjoining northwestern Mexico.
  27. Error made by character/s (possibly deliberate errors by filmmaker): When the dead Mrs Whistler is being pulled out of the water, you can clearly see her eyes blink.
See also See also:
  • This entry has been read 18,786 times.
  • Entry created: December 25, 2006; 15:58; Last modified: August 13, 2009; 21:25
  • Suggested citation: "Diamonds Are Forever: Film – Goofups", BondUnlimited,; Downloaded from at Sunday, October 6, 2024, 2:55 pm IST
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